Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Could the GOP take back the Senate in 2014? Larry Sabato thinks so.

Larry Sabato is the political equivalent of a psychic.  His analysis and predictions of elections going back to 2006 are always eerily accurate.  Yesterday, he wrote a piece for POLITICO (where he's also a regular contributor) that spells out how the Republicans could take control of Congress.

As a liberal, it's a tad disheartening.  However, his points are valid and the questions he asks are telling as to what type of GOP and what type of Democratic Party will show up for the 2014 mid-terms.  It is an fascinating read.

To read Mr. Sabato's piece, click on the link below.

Republicans Really Could Win It All This Year

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Are the Democrats losing on Health Care?

Ben Domenech at the new Conservative-leaning website, TheFederalist.com, wrote a scathing, but on-point, critique of The Affordable Care Act.  Mr. Domenech writes about the bungling of the law's roll out by the Obama Administration, the tanking poll numbers of the laws popularity, and the apparent switch to Republican dominance on the health care issue.  Though he misses several MAJOR points along the way, Mr. Domenech's reasoning is sound.  It's an article that will make Conservatives VERY happy, but for me as a liberal - I'm infuriated.

To read Mr. Domenech's article, click HERE.

The Most Powerful Woman in Washington

There's a great spotlight article by Catherine Hollander at The National Journal about the soon-to-be Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen.  If you don't know anything about the situation, Ms. Hollander's piece is a simple and frank discussion piece about what we can expect out of the Senate confirmation process.  The person who chairs The Federal Reserve Board essentially controls the U.S., and to a certain extent, the Global economy.  The decisions made by the Fed have wide-reaching consequences - both good and bad - that affect all of us.  Janet Yellen is the 1st woman to ever be nominated to this position.

To read Ms. Hollander's article, click HERE.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Elizabeth Warren and 2016

Two fascinating articles about Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren have come out over the past few days - both of which concern her effects on the 2016 Presidential Elections.  The first article, by Noam Schriber at The New Republic, focuses on Senator Warren's potential to challenge presumptive Democratic contender Hillary Clinton from the left.  The 2nd article, by Ben White and Maggie Haberman at Politico, focuses on Wall Street's fear of Warren's ascension to prominence in national Democratic politics and its effects on more centrist candidates, like Clinton.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Crazy Pill isn't Helping the GOP

A great article by Jonathan Bernstein at the Washington Post highlights a conundrum within the GOP.  The Republicans want the Affordable Care Act to fail, and are not willing to do anything to fix any quirks in the law.  The party's absolute opposition to Obamacare, however, could end up hurting traditionally GOP-allied faith groups.  Mr. Bernstein's article explains the conundrum, and what will likely happen if Republicans can't get it together on this issue.

To read Mr. Bernstein's article, click on the link below.

The need to feed The Crazy will cost the GOP

Monday, June 17, 2013

The NSA is watching/listening/downloading/scrolling/friending You

The recent stories from the UK's Guardian newspaper and The Washington Post about the NSA's massive intelligence gathering program known as Prism has sent shock-waves around the world.  Congress is morphing into a collection of very strange bedfellows, with neo-conservatives and staunch progressives joining forces to defend the program.  Privacy advocates and liberal groups are demanding transparency, and the libertarian wing of the GOP is demanding that the NSA cease such programs.

I personally think that the reaction to these revelations is so ridiculously overblown, it deserves ridicule.  OF COURSE the NSA is monitoring us.  OF COURSE our emails, web searches, chats, phone calls and other communications are being looked at.  This isn't news.  This isn't even new.  Every 5 years or so, someone in the intelligence community leaks something to a reporter, it gets published, and the whole country rants and raves about 'Big Brother.'  

So what?

Can Republicans Deliver on Immigration Reform

Jonathan Chait at New York Magazine wrote a fascinating article examining the specific hurdles Republicans face within their own party to passing comprehensive immigration reform.  I have discussed at length the demographic shifts America is experiencing and how these shifts will doom the GOP unless it improves its standing with minorities.  Immigration Reform is a 'must-do' move for Republicans, but large swaths of the GOP base seems to want nothing to do with it.

To read Mr. Chait's piece, click on the link below.

The Gaffe That Threatens Immigration Reform

Obama's Credibility Crisis

NOTE:  I took a break from the blog.  I'm back now.

Ron Fournier at The National Journal wrote a piece about President Obama and the pummeling he has taken in the polls as of late.  Most of it has to do with all of the "scandals" popping up in his administration; from the IRS scandal, the Justice Department's heavy-handed investigations of leaks to journalists, and the more recent NSA scandals surrounding massive data capturing.  But, there may be a bit more to this than just a general lack of approval.  President Obama's credibility is waning, and Americans are starting not to trust him.

To read Mr. Fournier's piece, click on the link below.

Do You Trust This Man?

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Immigration Reform Continues to Move Forward

The controversial Immigration Reform bill cleared a major hurdle as it passed through the Senate Judiciary Committee on a 13-5 vote.  The New York Times has written a great piece about the bills progress and next steps to getting the legislation passed.  Both Ashley Parker and Julia Preston worked on the piece.

To read the New York Times article, click on the link below.

Immigration Overhaul Wins Panel's Backing in the Senate

American People to GOP: We don't care about the Scandals

Charlie Cook at The National Journal wrote a great little piece about the GOP's intense reaction to the recent scandals that have broken out in the Obama Administration.  Citing recent polling, Mr. Cook surmises that, despite their constant ravings about the IRS scandal, the AP/DOJ scandal, and their continued interest in Benghazi, the American People don't seem to care about any of it.

To read Mr. Cook's article, click on the link below.

Republicans' Hatred of Obama Blinds Them to Public Disinterest in Scandals

The 'Weiner' has Risen... Again

I generally stick to national political stories, but this one is both funny and somewhat nationally relevant.  We've already seen a redemption story in former South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford and his impressive victory in SC's 1st Congressional District.  Now, it appears another disgraced politician is going to make a bid to return to public life.

Former Congressman Anthony Weiner (D-NY) has decided to make a bid for New York City Mayor.  Mr. Weiner resigned in 2011 after sending lewd photos of himself to several women via Twitter.  The folks at the Huffington Post have a great article and video about the announcement.  To read the article, click on the link below.

Anthony Weiner enters 2013 Mayoral Race

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Apparently, it's not just REDMAP

Sean Trende at RealClearPolitics is becoming one of my new favorite political commentators.  He wrote a fascinating article about how he believes the Republicans were able to maintain control of the U.S. House of Representatives despite losing the popular vote nationally.  His theory goes well beyond the REDMAP conspiracy I wrote about some weeks ago.  He thinks, in addition to gerrymandering the redistricting of Congressional Districts, there are more issues at play.

To read Mr. Trende's article, click on the link below.

Why Republicans Lost the Vote But Kept the House

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

It's Scandal Time!!!

Eleanor Clift at The Daily Beast wrote a very on-point piece about the tsunami of scandals that have rocked the Obama Administration over the past week.  She rightly points out that President Obama is playing out this situation differently than President's of yesteryear. In fact, it's mostly been up to White House Press Secretary Jay Carney to explain the various narratives of the scandals.  

As a self-professed liberal, I take most offense to the scandal about the Justice Department spying on AP reporters and editors for several months.  However, the IRS issue makes me nervous, and the Benghazi issue, though I believe it's been politicized, could have real consequences for the 2014 and 2016 elections.  Scandals are never a good thing, particularly when they surround the politicians you like.

To read Ms. Clift's article, click on the link below.

“Imagine the Story on Fox”–Jay Carney Holds on as Winds Buffet White House

Monday, May 13, 2013

IRS Ooops!

Conservative columnist George Will wrote a scathing op-ed in the Washington Post about the recent IRS scandal involving biased scrutiny towards Tea Party groups.  Mr. Will makes connections that give the scandal a 'Watergate-esque' feel.  Now, I'm not exactly buying into everything Mr. Will alleges, but there is no doubt that the situation is very damaging to the IRS's reputation for being nonpartisan.  It is also not good for the Obama Administration.

To read Mr. Will's article, click on the link below.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Here's How The GOP Can Win Again

Peter Wehner at RealClearPolitics wrote an interesting piece about how the Republican Party can find its way back to a winning party platform.  He focuses on modernizing the existing conservative mantra and emphasizing reform and modernization of everything from entitlements to schools to infrastructure to immigration.  Noticeably absent from Mr. Wehner's plan is any mention of social issues, an area where I believe the GOP is woefully behind the tide of the majority of public opinion.

Other than that omission, his other ideas have some merit and are worth a look.  I feel if the GOP could figure out how to bring this message forward AND tackle their problems with social issues, the party could again become a national force to reckon with.

To read Mr. Wehner's article, click on the link below.

The Republican Party's Road Back To Victory

The GOP and the Benghazi 'Conspiracy'

Eugene Robinson wrote a clever little piece for the Washington Post about the GOP's obsessive harping about the Benghazi attacks last September.  He theorizes that the only reason Republican lawmakers keep bringing it up is that they hope to create a scandal that will sully Hillary Clinton, in the event she runs for President in 2016.  His reasoning is sound, and surprisingly non-partisan, despite Mr. Robinson's self-professed liberalism.  

To read Mr. Robinson's article, click on the link below.

Republicans' Benghazi Witch Hunt