Thursday, November 14, 2013

Are the Democrats losing on Health Care?

Ben Domenech at the new Conservative-leaning website,, wrote a scathing, but on-point, critique of The Affordable Care Act.  Mr. Domenech writes about the bungling of the law's roll out by the Obama Administration, the tanking poll numbers of the laws popularity, and the apparent switch to Republican dominance on the health care issue.  Though he misses several MAJOR points along the way, Mr. Domenech's reasoning is sound.  It's an article that will make Conservatives VERY happy, but for me as a liberal - I'm infuriated.

To read Mr. Domenech's article, click HERE.

The Most Powerful Woman in Washington

There's a great spotlight article by Catherine Hollander at The National Journal about the soon-to-be Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen.  If you don't know anything about the situation, Ms. Hollander's piece is a simple and frank discussion piece about what we can expect out of the Senate confirmation process.  The person who chairs The Federal Reserve Board essentially controls the U.S., and to a certain extent, the Global economy.  The decisions made by the Fed have wide-reaching consequences - both good and bad - that affect all of us.  Janet Yellen is the 1st woman to ever be nominated to this position.

To read Ms. Hollander's article, click HERE.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Elizabeth Warren and 2016

Two fascinating articles about Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren have come out over the past few days - both of which concern her effects on the 2016 Presidential Elections.  The first article, by Noam Schriber at The New Republic, focuses on Senator Warren's potential to challenge presumptive Democratic contender Hillary Clinton from the left.  The 2nd article, by Ben White and Maggie Haberman at Politico, focuses on Wall Street's fear of Warren's ascension to prominence in national Democratic politics and its effects on more centrist candidates, like Clinton.