I love politics! I really, Really, LOVE politics! The same way a sports fan yells and screams at the TV during a game is how I behave watching politics. C-SPAN makes me hot! My idea of fun is reading exit polls and census data. Statistics are my foreplay! Though I would describe myself being slightly left of center as far as my political views, the fact is that I am black, gay, and a Unitarian. LIBERAL!!!
I don't mind the moniker - I feel that liberals have done a great deal of wonderful things for this country. Liberals championed Civil Rights, gave women the right to vote, freed the slaves (yes, I think Abraham Lincoln was a liberal) - all things I feel have made this country stronger!
HOWEVER, I am not the sort of Liberal who only drinks the Democrats' Kool-Aid. I am a free-thinker; an Independent of sorts - someone who does NOT walk in lock-step with the Democratic Party. I have voted for Republicans and Independents before (as well as a Reform Party guy and a few Green Party candidates - I live in Minnesota). President Obama did not automatically get my vote - nor is he guaranteed it in 2012.
I believe in a Government that works effectively, and efficiently. The Republicans are fond of saying we should only have as much Government as we can afford. I amend that to only having as much Government as we NEED. Granted, everyone differs on what is "needed" as far as the Government is concerned, but I think that is the debate we should be having.
My goal with this blog is to examine the issues of the day and try to find some common sense solutions to them. I may be a Liberal, but I believe taxes in this country are too complicated and too high – especially for businesses. I also believe that there are far too many loopholes and tax breaks for people and businesses that don’t need them. I support Health Care Reform, but I also think the Health Care companies needs to be allowed to compete nationwide – in order to spread the risk amongst a larger group of people. I think my ability to objectively consider all sides of an issue will be helpful for people who are sick and tired of the talking points being offered up by “Inside the Beltway” pundits and politicians.
No subject will be off the table. I will talk about current events, specific politicians, policies, and proposals. I’ll post links to interesting political stories and write quick op-eds about them. I’ll take suggestions – if, say, there’s a political story you've seen that you don’t understand or want my opinion on, send me a link and I’ll talk about it. I will also post essays about various political philosophies from any source that I think is worth mentioning, including any that I may write.
I will try posting at least one original post per week, plus links and quick nuggets of interesting political news. We’ll see if it works, and then we’ll go from there.
Thanks for following me!
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