Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sexual Harassment becomes Sexual Assault for Cain

Sharon Bialek is the 1st woman to publicly address the sexual harassment claims made against GOP Presidential candidate Herman Cain.  Her accusations, however, go beyond the standards of sexual harassment and, in fact, may be considered sexual assault.

At a press conference, Ms. Bialek alleged that Cain groped her - specifically putting his hand on her thigh and sliding it up her skirt, as well as pushing her head towards his crotch - following a dinner they both attended in 1997.  Ms. Bialek is not one of the women that POLITICO mentioned when the story first broke.  She also has lawyered up, hiring "Girl Power" attorney Gloria Allred.  

Ms. Bialek made the media rounds yesterday, talking about her reasoning for coming forward.  There has been an excessive amount of reporting on this, and thus far the Cain Campaign hasn't said much, other than a flat denial.  Herman Cain himself is expected to discuss the issue at a Press Conference later Tuesday afternoon.

At Politicoaster, I haven't talked much about Herman Cain, or this issue of sexual harassment.  Mostly, it was because I didn't think that Cain was a viable candidate.  I still don't, despite his consistently high rankings in the polls.  However, the issue has dominated media - taking away from a more pressing issue in my mind - the allegations from Wisconsin that the Cain campaign has been accepting illegal contributions from a non-profit.  That is campaign fraud and a felony - a significantly more serious charge than sexual harassment, or even sexual assault.  But, very few are reporting on it because, well, it's not sexy.

If anything major breaks in the Cain/Sexual Harassment story, I will talk about it.  But I am going to divert my attention towards another subject Politicoaster hasn't talked much about - the 'Occupy Wall Street' protests.

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