Thursday, November 14, 2013

Are the Democrats losing on Health Care?

Ben Domenech at the new Conservative-leaning website,, wrote a scathing, but on-point, critique of The Affordable Care Act.  Mr. Domenech writes about the bungling of the law's roll out by the Obama Administration, the tanking poll numbers of the laws popularity, and the apparent switch to Republican dominance on the health care issue.  Though he misses several MAJOR points along the way, Mr. Domenech's reasoning is sound.  It's an article that will make Conservatives VERY happy, but for me as a liberal - I'm infuriated.

To read Mr. Domenech's article, click HERE.

The Most Powerful Woman in Washington

There's a great spotlight article by Catherine Hollander at The National Journal about the soon-to-be Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen.  If you don't know anything about the situation, Ms. Hollander's piece is a simple and frank discussion piece about what we can expect out of the Senate confirmation process.  The person who chairs The Federal Reserve Board essentially controls the U.S., and to a certain extent, the Global economy.  The decisions made by the Fed have wide-reaching consequences - both good and bad - that affect all of us.  Janet Yellen is the 1st woman to ever be nominated to this position.

To read Ms. Hollander's article, click HERE.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Elizabeth Warren and 2016

Two fascinating articles about Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren have come out over the past few days - both of which concern her effects on the 2016 Presidential Elections.  The first article, by Noam Schriber at The New Republic, focuses on Senator Warren's potential to challenge presumptive Democratic contender Hillary Clinton from the left.  The 2nd article, by Ben White and Maggie Haberman at Politico, focuses on Wall Street's fear of Warren's ascension to prominence in national Democratic politics and its effects on more centrist candidates, like Clinton.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Crazy Pill isn't Helping the GOP

A great article by Jonathan Bernstein at the Washington Post highlights a conundrum within the GOP.  The Republicans want the Affordable Care Act to fail, and are not willing to do anything to fix any quirks in the law.  The party's absolute opposition to Obamacare, however, could end up hurting traditionally GOP-allied faith groups.  Mr. Bernstein's article explains the conundrum, and what will likely happen if Republicans can't get it together on this issue.

To read Mr. Bernstein's article, click on the link below.

The need to feed The Crazy will cost the GOP

Monday, June 17, 2013

The NSA is watching/listening/downloading/scrolling/friending You

The recent stories from the UK's Guardian newspaper and The Washington Post about the NSA's massive intelligence gathering program known as Prism has sent shock-waves around the world.  Congress is morphing into a collection of very strange bedfellows, with neo-conservatives and staunch progressives joining forces to defend the program.  Privacy advocates and liberal groups are demanding transparency, and the libertarian wing of the GOP is demanding that the NSA cease such programs.

I personally think that the reaction to these revelations is so ridiculously overblown, it deserves ridicule.  OF COURSE the NSA is monitoring us.  OF COURSE our emails, web searches, chats, phone calls and other communications are being looked at.  This isn't news.  This isn't even new.  Every 5 years or so, someone in the intelligence community leaks something to a reporter, it gets published, and the whole country rants and raves about 'Big Brother.'  

So what?

Can Republicans Deliver on Immigration Reform

Jonathan Chait at New York Magazine wrote a fascinating article examining the specific hurdles Republicans face within their own party to passing comprehensive immigration reform.  I have discussed at length the demographic shifts America is experiencing and how these shifts will doom the GOP unless it improves its standing with minorities.  Immigration Reform is a 'must-do' move for Republicans, but large swaths of the GOP base seems to want nothing to do with it.

To read Mr. Chait's piece, click on the link below.

The Gaffe That Threatens Immigration Reform

Obama's Credibility Crisis

NOTE:  I took a break from the blog.  I'm back now.

Ron Fournier at The National Journal wrote a piece about President Obama and the pummeling he has taken in the polls as of late.  Most of it has to do with all of the "scandals" popping up in his administration; from the IRS scandal, the Justice Department's heavy-handed investigations of leaks to journalists, and the more recent NSA scandals surrounding massive data capturing.  But, there may be a bit more to this than just a general lack of approval.  President Obama's credibility is waning, and Americans are starting not to trust him.

To read Mr. Fournier's piece, click on the link below.

Do You Trust This Man?

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Immigration Reform Continues to Move Forward

The controversial Immigration Reform bill cleared a major hurdle as it passed through the Senate Judiciary Committee on a 13-5 vote.  The New York Times has written a great piece about the bills progress and next steps to getting the legislation passed.  Both Ashley Parker and Julia Preston worked on the piece.

To read the New York Times article, click on the link below.

Immigration Overhaul Wins Panel's Backing in the Senate

American People to GOP: We don't care about the Scandals

Charlie Cook at The National Journal wrote a great little piece about the GOP's intense reaction to the recent scandals that have broken out in the Obama Administration.  Citing recent polling, Mr. Cook surmises that, despite their constant ravings about the IRS scandal, the AP/DOJ scandal, and their continued interest in Benghazi, the American People don't seem to care about any of it.

To read Mr. Cook's article, click on the link below.

Republicans' Hatred of Obama Blinds Them to Public Disinterest in Scandals

The 'Weiner' has Risen... Again

I generally stick to national political stories, but this one is both funny and somewhat nationally relevant.  We've already seen a redemption story in former South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford and his impressive victory in SC's 1st Congressional District.  Now, it appears another disgraced politician is going to make a bid to return to public life.

Former Congressman Anthony Weiner (D-NY) has decided to make a bid for New York City Mayor.  Mr. Weiner resigned in 2011 after sending lewd photos of himself to several women via Twitter.  The folks at the Huffington Post have a great article and video about the announcement.  To read the article, click on the link below.

Anthony Weiner enters 2013 Mayoral Race

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Apparently, it's not just REDMAP

Sean Trende at RealClearPolitics is becoming one of my new favorite political commentators.  He wrote a fascinating article about how he believes the Republicans were able to maintain control of the U.S. House of Representatives despite losing the popular vote nationally.  His theory goes well beyond the REDMAP conspiracy I wrote about some weeks ago.  He thinks, in addition to gerrymandering the redistricting of Congressional Districts, there are more issues at play.

To read Mr. Trende's article, click on the link below.

Why Republicans Lost the Vote But Kept the House

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

It's Scandal Time!!!

Eleanor Clift at The Daily Beast wrote a very on-point piece about the tsunami of scandals that have rocked the Obama Administration over the past week.  She rightly points out that President Obama is playing out this situation differently than President's of yesteryear. In fact, it's mostly been up to White House Press Secretary Jay Carney to explain the various narratives of the scandals.  

As a self-professed liberal, I take most offense to the scandal about the Justice Department spying on AP reporters and editors for several months.  However, the IRS issue makes me nervous, and the Benghazi issue, though I believe it's been politicized, could have real consequences for the 2014 and 2016 elections.  Scandals are never a good thing, particularly when they surround the politicians you like.

To read Ms. Clift's article, click on the link below.

“Imagine the Story on Fox”–Jay Carney Holds on as Winds Buffet White House

Monday, May 13, 2013

IRS Ooops!

Conservative columnist George Will wrote a scathing op-ed in the Washington Post about the recent IRS scandal involving biased scrutiny towards Tea Party groups.  Mr. Will makes connections that give the scandal a 'Watergate-esque' feel.  Now, I'm not exactly buying into everything Mr. Will alleges, but there is no doubt that the situation is very damaging to the IRS's reputation for being nonpartisan.  It is also not good for the Obama Administration.

To read Mr. Will's article, click on the link below.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Here's How The GOP Can Win Again

Peter Wehner at RealClearPolitics wrote an interesting piece about how the Republican Party can find its way back to a winning party platform.  He focuses on modernizing the existing conservative mantra and emphasizing reform and modernization of everything from entitlements to schools to infrastructure to immigration.  Noticeably absent from Mr. Wehner's plan is any mention of social issues, an area where I believe the GOP is woefully behind the tide of the majority of public opinion.

Other than that omission, his other ideas have some merit and are worth a look.  I feel if the GOP could figure out how to bring this message forward AND tackle their problems with social issues, the party could again become a national force to reckon with.

To read Mr. Wehner's article, click on the link below.

The Republican Party's Road Back To Victory

The GOP and the Benghazi 'Conspiracy'

Eugene Robinson wrote a clever little piece for the Washington Post about the GOP's obsessive harping about the Benghazi attacks last September.  He theorizes that the only reason Republican lawmakers keep bringing it up is that they hope to create a scandal that will sully Hillary Clinton, in the event she runs for President in 2016.  His reasoning is sound, and surprisingly non-partisan, despite Mr. Robinson's self-professed liberalism.  

To read Mr. Robinson's article, click on the link below.

Republicans' Benghazi Witch Hunt

Monday, May 6, 2013

The National Organization for Marriage is Clueless

Brian Brown, the President of The National Organization For Marriage sat down with USA Today to discuss his organization's mission, and its reaction to Rhode Island becoming the 10th state to legalize same-sex marriage and the changing tide of public opinion.  He believes academia and mainstream media are falsely promoting the idea that a majority of Americans support marriage equality.

Seriously?  He seems to have lost his mind with some of the ignorant comments he makes.  However, it is important to listen to all sides of the debate, despite my and anyone else's personal opinions.  I've posted a link to the article.  To read it, click on the link below.

Opponent denies a tide as R.I. latest to OK gay marriage

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Left is Unhappy with Obama

I don't generally post things from FOX News.  Their tagline 'fair and balanced' is laughable to me.  However, every once in a while, a gem of truth comes out of that 'news' organization that I think deserves to be examined.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Note to the GOP: Black Turnout in 2012 wasn't just about Obama

Michael Tomasky at The Daily Beast wrote a rather critical piece about the Republican Party and minority outreach.  He focuses on the African-American vote and how the GOP is (or isn't) reaching out to them.  His critique focuses primarily on the lip-service being given by the party leadership and the actual legislation being passed by Republican lawmakers.  It is an utterly fascinating read, regardless of your political ideology.

To read Mr. Tomasky's article, click on the link below.

Black Turnout, GOP Denial Both High

The New GOP Threat on the Debt Ceiling

Johnathan Bernstein wrote an interesting piece about the GOP's strategy on the debt ceiling fight that is brewing this summer.  It seems that the Republicans, having already wrangled steep cuts to government spending via the sequester and getting President Obama to include some entitlement cuts in his budget, have decided to focus on Tax Reform.  Specifically, they want Democrats to go along with revenue neutral tax reform, which will explode the deficit, in exchange for a debt ceiling increase.


Mr. Bernstein explains it better than I do.  To read his piece, click on the link below.

Monday, April 29, 2013

The 2014 Midterms will probably NOT be about Obama

Tom Raum at The Huffington Post wrote a great piece about the likely factors that will shape the 2014 midterm elections.  He breaks down all the factors, both the positives and negatives for each party, and explains their likely effects on the election.  He pays particularly close attention to the effect President Obama will have, as well as the economic situation.

To read Mr. Raum's article, click on the link below.

Elections In 2014 May Not Hinge On Economic Gains Under Obama

The First 100 Days of Obama II: Not Much To Show For It

Albert Hunt at Bloomberg wrote a piece on Obama and Congress's 1st 100 days since the 2012 election.  He pointedly said that all of the sweeping agenda items proposed by both sides of the political spectrum have gone nowhere, and he critiques both the President and Congress on why nothing gets done on a host of issues.  It is a fascinating read.

To read Mr. Hunt's article, click on the link below.

How Obama and Republicans Squandered First 100 Days

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

What is REDMAP?

REDMAP, or the Redistricting Majority Project, is a program created by the Republican State Leadership Committee for the sole purpose of creating congressional districts that can only be won by Republicans.  It used the 2010 census data to re-draw state legislative districts and congressional districts to favor GOP candidates and to hamper Democratic candidates.  This is why, despite the lopsided vote for Obama and Democrats in 2012, the Republicans retained control of the U.S. House and still kept its majority hold in State Legislatures and Governorships.

New York AG to Obama: Stop Protecting the Banks!!

New York state Attorney General, Eric Schneiderman has been grumbling about the Obama Administration.  Specifically, he is frustrated at the lack of accountability the Administration has forced the big banks and mortgage companies to accept over the financial meltdown.  He feels that the administration's responses have lacked any true consequence, and have not put in place the proper safeguards to prevent a future calamity.

Sequester Blame Game

The New York Times Editorial Board wrote a scathing op-ed about the GOP's wiggling out of any responsibility for the Sequester spending cuts.  It highlights various strategies the Republicans have used to tie all negative results to President Obama, while congratulating itself for cutting the budget.  The Board also notes some of the hypocrisy and selective outrage stoked by the GOP leadership on specific cuts made by the sequester.

I have yet to find a credible rebuttal to the NYT Editorial Board, but when I do I'll post it.  To read the NYT editorial, click on the link below.

Budget Cuts, Minus the Inconvenience

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

In Other News, The Democrats Are Fighting... Again

Robert H. Nelson, over at The Weekly Standard, wrote an in-depth article about the fractures in the Democratic Party.  To me, it's an old story.  There's a common wisdom that says the GOP is in lock-step on most anything and the Democrats are a giant mass of indecision.  However, with all the attention recently on the fractures in the GOP, it is important to note that the Democrats are also clashing with each other.

To read Mr. Nelson's article, click on the link below.

The Fractured Left

Monday, April 22, 2013

The GOP's Strategy to derail Obamacare

Ezra Klein, my policy wonk hero, wrote a fantastic piece for the Washington Post about the Republican Party's strategy to derail the Affordable Care Act, aka 'Obamacare'.  He uses testimony from a recent Senate Finance Committee meeting where Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is explaining how the Affordable Care Act will be implemented, and answering questions about the various Senators' concerns.

Frankly, the tactics are pretty obvious, and Klein exploits that obviousness to nearly comedic effect.  It is a thought-provoking, and in my opinion, very entertaining article.

To read Ezra Klein's article, click on the link below.

About the Obamacare 'train wreck'

Carl Levin's Heir-Apparent?

George Will, a conservative columnist for the Washington Post and Newsweek, is a person I listen to.  His views and ideology, though they clash with my own, are generally a good barometer of what's going on in conservative politics.  When he says there's an up-and-coming Republican lawmaker out there, I listen.  He recently wrote a profile on a Republican Congressman from Michigan that caught my attention.  Will suggests that this young man could be the next Republican Senator from Michigan, a state that hasn't elected a Republican to the Senate in over 40 years.

To read Mr. Will's article, click on the link below.

Is Justin Amash the new face of Republicanism?

Friday, April 19, 2013

A Scathing rebuke of the Senate's lack of action on Gun Control

Yesterday, the U.S. Senate was unable to pass any parts of its Gun Control legislation.  All of the portions of it, though they had majority support, failed to reach the 60 vote threshold to avoid a filibuster from Republican Senators and a few Red-State Democrats.  Gun Control advocates were particularly upset.  This has lead to a swath of angry and biting commentary directed at Gun Rights advocates.

Challenges for the future Democratic Majority

I posted an article by Johnathan Chait at New York Magazine that talked about an emerging Democratic majority in the electorate.  This was based on the demographic changes the country was experiencing, as well as a consistently more progressive bent on social issues according to the polls.  It seems, however, that the emerging Democratic majority may be more fractious than unified.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Two Views on Gun Control Legislation

The Editorial Board of the New York Times wrote a scathing critique of the Senate and its failure to pass gun legislation.  On the other side of the issue, the editors at Investment Business Daily wrote a piece admonishing President Obama and Democrats for exploiting the grief of the Newtown, CT families for political gain and cheering the fact that it failed.  Both pieces are quite partisan, but they both ask intriguing questions and both should be read, regardless of one's personal views.

To read the New York Times editorial, click here.

To read the Investment Business Daily editorial, click here.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

NRCC to Sanford: Peace Out!

The National Republican Campaign Committee has pulled its funding from former Gov. Mark Sanford congressional campaign. This after Sanford ex-wife filed a report that he violated part of their divorce settlement by trespassing on her property. Sanford reportedly went to his ex-wife's home to see his sons, who are under his ex-wife's sole custody. The pulling of the NRCC money could doom his campaign.

The Huffington Post has a great article outlining the situation. Read it by clicking on the link below.

Mark Sanford Dropped By NRCC After Trespassing Complaint Surfaces - The Huffington Post

Gun Bill Background Check Amendment Fails

The Senate today failed to pass an amendment to expand background checks on gun purchases, giving a stunning blow to gun control advocates. The amendment failed despite having a 90% approval rating from the general public. President Obama admonished the Senate at a press conference shortly after the vote. He vowed that this was only round 1 in turn fight for reform.

The Huffington Post has an article article explaining what went wrong. Read it by clicking on the link below.

Gun Bill Background Check Amendment Fails, Other Key Provisions To Follow - The Huffington Post

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Boston & Recovery

The thoughts and prayers of Politicoaster are with all those affected by the bombings in Boston.

David Callaway at USA Today wrote a wonderful op-ed about the resiliance of Bostonians, the meaning of Patriots Day, and how the city will recover - and come out swinging!

To read Mr. Callaway's article, click on the link below.

Patriots Day Massacre

Monday, April 15, 2013

Michelle Bachmann vs. Jim Graves: Redux

Generally speaking, I don't write too much about my local politics on the blog.  This story, however, made national news and one of the people involved was a 2012 candidate for President.  Anyway, read on.

Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann spent more money than any other House candidate in the 2012 elections.  She outspent her opponent 12-1.  In the end, she won her seat, but only by 1% of the vote.  Now, a series of ethics complaints surrounding her failed Presidential bid is further tarnishing her image, and her approval rating has dropped below 50% in her district.  All this has convinced her 2012 opponent, business man and hotelier Jim Graves, to run again.

Sabrina Siddiqui at the Huffington Post wrote a great article about the situation.  You can read it by clicking on the link below.

Jim Graves: Constituents are 'Embarassed' by Bachmann

The Endangered 'Swing Seat' becomes the GOP's Advantage

Charlie Cook at The National Journal wrote a fascinating piece about how U.S. House districts are becoming more and more partisan, with more seats locked in either the Democrat or Republican columns and fewer districts that are competitive.  He also shows how this trend appears to be favoring the GOP.  I will be writing a longer op-ed about this phenomenon later, and address some things Cook doesn't address here.

Nonetheless, it is a great article.  To read it, click on the link below.

The Republican Advantage

Friday, April 12, 2013

The GOPs War on Sex

The Republican Party appears to be waging a war on sex. In the Republican-controlled states and the House of Representatives, a slew of new legislation targeting abortion, contraception, sodomy, age-of-consent laws, and more have been proposed and/or passed into law. If this is the GOP's idea of re-branding, the party may be in for a rude awakening in 2014 & 2016.

The Huffington Post has put together a great slideshow showing the various laws being proposed by the GOP. Click on the link below to see it.


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Obama Budget 2014

President Obama released his fiscal year 2014 budget outline today.  In all, the 3.77 trillion dollar budget would increase spending on infrastructure and early childhood education, make significant cuts to social security, medicare, medicaid, discretionary and defense spending, re-tool the tax code to limit deductions for high earners and increase capital gains rates with the so-called "Buffett Rule", and ultimately reduce the federal deficit by $1.8 Trillion over the next 10 years.

CNN has a great breakdown of the big-ticket items in the budget.  You can look at it by clicking on the link below.

What's in Obama's budget

Monday, April 8, 2013

The Passing of Lady Thatcher

Former UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher passed away today. The folks over at The Huffington Post wrote up a very detailed and respectable piece about Lady Thatcher, her life, and her role in shaping history.

To read the HuffPo piece, click on the link below.

Margaret Thatcher Dead: Former UK Prime Minister Dies Of Stroke

Friday, April 5, 2013

GOP Identity Crisis - Part 2: Policy

This is the 2nd of a 3-part series examining the identity crisis of the GOP.  The first part dealt with the demographic changes the GOP faces.  The 2nd part deals with the implications of the party’s current platform and its various factions.  The 3rd part will be about what I think the GOP will do, what it should do, and what that means for the future of conservative politics.

Are The Democrats Winning The Culture Wars?

Ronald Brownstein at the National Journal wrote a fantastic column about how Democrats now appear to be on the offense on a range of social issues.  This is a clear reversal to a few years ago when it appeared only Republicans stood to gain by pushing social issues in the political sphere.  Now, the dynamic has switched, finding Democrats bullish about their prospects and the issues themselves becoming a "wedge" in the Republican consensus.

To read Mr. Brownstein's piece, click on the link below.

Why The Culture Wars Now Favor Democrats  

Hillary is not a sure thing for 2016

Speculating on 2016 already is a ridiculous exercise, but as long as Hillary Clinton is around, there will always be speculation on the Democratic side.  Will she, or won't she run?  She is the presumptive favorite for the Democratic nomination.  Even the GOP is worried a Clinton nomination could radically change the electoral map.  But amid all of this speculation, no one seems to be pointing out the obvious: We've heard all this before.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

The GOP is not as 'Dead' as first reported

On Tuesday, I posted a link to an article by Johnathan Chait at New York Magazine that talked about a natural Democratic majority forming in this country - one that had actually been around for a while and was reforming now.  I found it to be a well-reasoned piece, and still do.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Palmetto Intrigue

Mark Sanford has secured his spot as the Republican nominee for the South Carolina 1st Congressional district seat - a seat he held once before.  He has managed to overcome a sex scandal from 2009 and seemingly get some measure of forgiveness from GOP voters in the Palmetto State.  However, his political Resurrection is far from assured.  His biggest challenge yet will come from his opponent in this Special Election, an opponent who happens to be related to famed news comedian Stephen Colbert.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Is there now a natural Democratic majority in America?

Johnathan Chait at New York Magazine wrote an interesting piece, complete with a chart, wondering weather or not the U.S. electorate is evolving naturally to a Democratic majority.  Surmising that as America becomes less white, it also becomes more progressive, and that even younger white voters are less conservative than they used to be.  Mr. Chait puts serious facts and figures behind this relatively old argument, and it is compelling.

To read Mr. Chait's piece, click on the link below.

Will Obama's Majority Survive?

Monday, April 1, 2013

Prediction 2014: Continuing Gridlock

Juan Williams at The Hill wrote a fascinating op-ed about his predictions for continued gridlock in Washington after the 2014 midterms.  He believes the Democrats will hold the Senate, but he looks deeper at the new polling about the Democrats and the GOP, and how fear and politicking have essentially strangled the democracy right out of elections.  It is well-reasoned and somewhat depressing to read, but I still recommend it.

To read Mr. Williams' op-ed, click on the link below.

No Sign of a break to Washington's Dismal Deadlock

Are the Dems in just as much disarray as the GOP?

We all know that most media has been covering the fractious inner squabbles of the Republican Party after the 2012 elections.  However, no one is paying too much attention to internal issues at the Democratic Party.  There appears to be a lot of tension between the liberal and centrist wings of the Democrats, particularly over hot button issues like gun control and climate change.

Jack Kelly of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette talked with Stanley Kurtz, a respected conservative commentator, about what's going on inside the Democratic Party, and how it may be in just as much - if not more - disarray than the GOP.  To read Mr. Kelly's piece, click on the link below.

Washington to Pyongyang: Seriously, CALM DOWN!

Tensions on the Korean Peninsula are high as North Korea continues its saber-rattling rhetoric.  South Korean forces are on high alert, warning of swift and total retaliation for any North Korean aggression.  The United States has shown its support by participating in training exercises with the South Koreans, some of which included the use of American B-2 Stealth Bombers.  Now, Washington is telling North Korea that it's serious by sending South Korea a few F-22 Raptor stealth fighter planes.

Friday, March 29, 2013

'It's Not You, It's Me.' The New Argument against LGBT Equality

Paul Waldman wrote an op-ed for CNN about the newest argument coming from conservatives who are against LGBT Equality.  His gist is that conservatives went from condemning LGBT people as 'evil' to stating their problem isn't with LGBT people themselves, but it's how their rights affect straight people.  I myself have noticed this trend, and Mr. Waldman captures it perfectly.

Read Mr. Waldman's piece by clicking on the link below.

Gay rights opponents' last argument

Sen. Rubio blasts Obama in Miami Herald Op-Ed

Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio wrote a scathing op-ed for the Miami Herald that chastised President Obama's economic policies.  It comes across as a typical partisan attack at the President, hitting all the hot-button buzz-phrases like "tax-and-spend liberalism" and "big government."  He makes some valid points, and more than a few stretches of the truth and some loose comparisons of facts.  I'm not sure what Rubio hopes to gain from this op-ed, other than keeping his name in the news.

Read Sen. Rubio's op-ed by clicking on the link below.

Marco Rubio: Obama's policies don't help middle class

Is The Gun Debate Dead?

Harry Enten at The Guardian (UK) wrote a very interesting piece about the status of the Gun Control debate in the U.S.  He specifically focuses on the 'inside-the-beltway' narrative that a few months after a major shooting, the public stops caring about the issue and nothing gets done.  He examines that and how President Obama's use of the bully-pulpit from the White House may be the only thing that keeps the discussion going.  It is a very good read.

Read Mr. Enten's piece by clicking on the link below.

Why the bully pulpit is Obama's only hope for gun control