A new McClatchy Poll out shows that Sarah Palin is down by only 4 points in a match up against President Obama in 2012. The gap has closed significantly since June, when she was down 26 points. She also managed to snag a majority of Independent voters in the poll. Despite the fact that Republicans and Independents - at a 3-1 margin - do not want her to run, Palin hasn't ruled out jumping into the race though no official decision has been made. However, she will probably be forced to make a decision soon - several states have a November deadline for candidates to get their names on primary ballots.
There are lots of other tidbits to be taken from the poll - like how President Obama beats each of the declared candidates in a 2012 match-up yet still most people believe he will lose re-election. Also, Perry's slipping in the polls amongst Republicans AND Independents. I'm surprised Newt Gingrich even has a political pulse for his candidacy - since he really isn't running at this point. He just shows up for debates and then disappears. Anyway, I'm a geek and the poll is a fun read if you love statistics! I've linked to the McClatchy summary - there's a link to the raw data from there.
McClatchy-Marist Poll (Sept. 21st)
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