Friday, March 29, 2013

'It's Not You, It's Me.' The New Argument against LGBT Equality

Paul Waldman wrote an op-ed for CNN about the newest argument coming from conservatives who are against LGBT Equality.  His gist is that conservatives went from condemning LGBT people as 'evil' to stating their problem isn't with LGBT people themselves, but it's how their rights affect straight people.  I myself have noticed this trend, and Mr. Waldman captures it perfectly.

Read Mr. Waldman's piece by clicking on the link below.

Gay rights opponents' last argument

Sen. Rubio blasts Obama in Miami Herald Op-Ed

Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio wrote a scathing op-ed for the Miami Herald that chastised President Obama's economic policies.  It comes across as a typical partisan attack at the President, hitting all the hot-button buzz-phrases like "tax-and-spend liberalism" and "big government."  He makes some valid points, and more than a few stretches of the truth and some loose comparisons of facts.  I'm not sure what Rubio hopes to gain from this op-ed, other than keeping his name in the news.

Read Sen. Rubio's op-ed by clicking on the link below.

Marco Rubio: Obama's policies don't help middle class

Is The Gun Debate Dead?

Harry Enten at The Guardian (UK) wrote a very interesting piece about the status of the Gun Control debate in the U.S.  He specifically focuses on the 'inside-the-beltway' narrative that a few months after a major shooting, the public stops caring about the issue and nothing gets done.  He examines that and how President Obama's use of the bully-pulpit from the White House may be the only thing that keeps the discussion going.  It is a very good read.

Read Mr. Enten's piece by clicking on the link below.

Why the bully pulpit is Obama's only hope for gun control

GOP to Rep. Young: Bad Comment. Bad Timing.

GOP Lawmakers and officials all over came out strongly against Rep. Don Young (R-Alaska) for using a racial slur to describe Latino migrant workers during a radio interview.  Heavyweights from House Speaker John Boehner, Sens. McCain (R- Arizona) and Cornyn (R-Texas), and others have condemned Rep. Young's comments.  

The Huffington Post has a short piece about the controversy. Read the Huff Post piece by clicking on the link below.

John Boehner On Don Young Racial Slur: 'There's No Excuse'

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The GOP and Gay Marriage: Political Landmine

Today the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the Perry vs. Hollingsworth case, which concerns the constitutionality of California's Proposition 8 which bans same-sex marriage.  Though we likely won't know the outcome until June, there's lots of 'inside-the-beltway' speculation over the political ramifications of any ruling.  And there is consensus that whatever outcome will affect one party significantly more than the other.  That party is the GOP.

Monday, March 25, 2013

SCOTUS to take up Same-Sex Marriage cases this week

The U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments this week on two landmark cases that could radically change American society and how it treats the LGBT community.  On Tuesday, the court will hear Perry vs. Hollingsworth, which is the case involving the constitutionality of California's Proposition 8 - a state constitutional amendment that banned same-sex marriage.  On Wednesday, the court will hear the United States vs. Windsor, which is the case challenging DOMA, or the Defense Of Marriage Act, which defines marriage as between 1 man and 1 woman for tax and benefits purposes on the federal level, regardless if the State you live in has legalized same-sex marriage.

There are many ways that the Justices on the Court could go with these cases - particularly the Prop 8 case.

Friday, March 22, 2013

The GOP & Iraq: A Big Ooops?

I've been searching for stories about the 10 year Anniversary of the Iraq War that were interesting, politically based, and not too partisan.  Peggy Noonan at the Wall Street Journal has written a wonderful op-ed about how the Iraq war has affected the GOP.  She goes down a list of reasons and explains them effectively to reinforce her point.  And, she ends the piece with a swipe at the Democrats as well.  It is truly a wonderful read.

To read Ms. Noonan's op-ed, click on the link below.

Can the Republican Party recover from Iraq?

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Iraq: 10 Years Later

This week marks the 10 Year Anniversary of the 2003 invasion of Iraq - a war that most believe was started on false pretenses and lead the United States into an 8 year quagmire in the Middle East.  There's been dozens of op-eds and commentaries made about the wisdom of the Iraq war, but of all of them, I found conservative columnist Tim P. Carney's take on it to be the most insightful.  Mr. Carney is a columnist for the Washington Examiner and also a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute.  He's also a semi-regular panelist on The McLaughlin Group.  

To read Mr. Carney's article, click on the link below.

The mistake of Iraq and the education of the Right

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The New GOP: A marketing blunder in the making?

The media and pundit reaction to the RNC's release of their 'Growth and Opportunity Project' plan has not been positive.  From both the Right and the Left, folks have scolded the GOP for focusing almost exclusively on HOW it relays its message, and not examining the components of the message itself.  Some have called the reports' authors - a collection of notable Republican leaders and operatives - 'Dumb' and 'Suicidal' for putting out suck a report.

Will the Real Senate Candidate Please Stand Up?

The folks at POLITICO have a piece on the rumblings around the 2014 US Senate race in Kentucky.  Democrats hope to unseat Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, whose popularity has been waning in recent polls.  However, the person they want to have challenge McConnell isn't who you think.

To read the POLITICO piece, click on the link below.

In Kentucky, prominent Democrats wooing Alison Lundergran Grimes, not Ashley Judd

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Party Pointlessness

Karen Tumulty at The Washington Post wrote an interesting piece about our political parties, and weather they still have a purpose.  She examines the changes in how our political institutions operate, changes in public perception of the parties and the rise of 'independent' voters, and the overall effects this has had on our nation.  It's a bit long, but it is a fascinating read.

Check out Ms. Tumulty's piece by clicking on the link below.

Have political parties lost their purpose?

Monday, March 18, 2013

John Boehner: "We do not have an immediate debt crisis."

David Sirota is a liberal - unabashedly so.  However, he has written a very pointed and sound op-ed that appeared on today that I think articulates the truth about America's current debt issues and how they've been politicized - particularly by the GOP.  He points to statements made recently by House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI), both of which concede that the debt 'crisis' being pushed by the political Right isn't as serious or as immediate as they have indicated.

Read Mr. Sirota's op-ed by clicking on the link below.

GOP: We've been lying all along

The Empathy Gap

Jill Lawrence, at The National Journal, wrote a great piece about the Republican Party and its 'empathy gap' problem.  In the article, she talks about the GOP's image problem, the issues surrounding the perception among the electorate that Republicans lack empathy, and how to deal with it.  It is truly a fun and enlightening read.

To read Ms. Lawrence's piece, click on the link below.

How To Shrink The Dangerous Republican Empathy Gap  

'Autopsy' results are in: GOP is 'Scary'

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus released the long awaited report that studied the Republican Party's dismal performance in the 2012 election. The report, dubbed the Growth and Opportunity Project, uses polling, surveys, and market research to examine the public's perception of the Republican Party.  It appears that public perception of the Party isn't exactly stellar, with some survey respondents calling the GOP 'scary and 'out of touch.'

You can read more about the report by clicking on the link below.

RNC Growth And Opportunity Project Report: Voters See GOP As 'Scary,' 'Narrow Minded'

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

President Obama's losing steam in the polls over Economy

Despite economic indicators as of late showing the economy continuing its slow, but steady improvement, the poll numbers are showing some dissatisfaction with the President.  Generally, a re-elected President gets a honeymoon period for a few months after his 2nd Inaugural, but President Obama's seems to have ended early.

Read more about the Washington Post/ABC News poll by clicking on the link below.

Obama's approval drops as Americans take a dimmer view of his economic policies

Sen. Warren to GOP: What's the Hold Up?

Since its creation in the Dodd-Frank financial reform legislation, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has been under attack by Republicans.  In the Senate, the Republican minority has been filibustering every attempt to place someone to head the new agency.  President Obama picked Richard Cordray - his 2nd choice - to lead the agency, and installed him as a recess nomination.  But now, Mr. Cordray is up for a full Senate confirmation and the GOP is doing whatever it can to block it.  The President's 1st choice for the job is not happy about that.  Not happy at all.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The 'Grand Bargain': Does President Obama Really Want It?

Jake Sherman and Carrie Budoff Brown, from POLITICO, wrote a very interesting piece about the President's sincerity when it comes to the 'Grand Bargain.'  The Grand Bargain is a sweeping plan to deal with the nation's tax code, debt, and entitlements.  They point out that the President has generally kept his distance from Congress and his new overtures could be seen as political.  They also talk about the wide gulf between Democrats and Republicans on core issues around taxes and debt.  It is a fascinating and insightful read.

Read the POLITICO piece by clicking on the link below.

Is President Obama serious about a grand bargain?

House Minority Whip on Paul Ryan Budget: HELL NO!!!

House Minority Whip, Steny Hoyer (D-MD), wrote an op-ed for POLITICO in response to the Paul Ryan/GOP budget plan.  In it, he eviscerates Paul, the GOP, and their policies.  As far as the Minority Whip is concerned, it appears that this budget is just like Paul Ryan's last budget - released in 2011. It is highly unlikely, with a split Congress, that the Paul Ryan Budget will become law.  Though it will likely pass the House, it is essentially Dead-On-Arrival in the Democratic-controlled Senate.

Read Steny Hoyer's op-ed by clicking on the link below.

Paul Ryan Budget Plan is Same-Old Trickery

Paul Ryan Budget II: Balance by 2023, BUT...

House Budget Committee Chairman, Paul Ryan (R-WI), wrote an op-ed piece for the Wall Street Journal about his latest budget proposal.  His current plan, he says, will bring the Federal Government's budget into balance in 10 years.  It includes an overhaul of the nation's tax code, a change in Medicare to a voucher system, turning over Medicaid and Food Stamps to the states in the form of block grants, and a host of other things that Democrats vehemently oppose.

You can read Congressman Ryan's op-ed piece by clicking on the link below.

Paul Ryan: The GOP Plan to Balance the Budget by 2023 

Friday, March 8, 2013

What Happened This Week: March 1-7

A lot of things happened this week.  Hugo Chavez died.  North Korea threatened (again) to blow up the United States. Rand Paul and company performed the first true filibuster in the Senate in nearly 3 years.  John Brennan was confirmed to be the next CIA chief.  The House Republicans passed a CR that has virtually no chance of becoming law.  The Sequester came and went and the US economy hasn't blown up.  The Dow Jones has reached record highs.  Unemployment ticked down to 7.7%.

And that's just the big stuff.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Some 'Straight Talk' for the Rand Paul Filibuster

Sen. John McCain had some tough words for fellow Republican Senator Rand Paul after Sen. Paul's filibuster speech in the Senate.  Sen. Paul was filibustering the nomination of Paul Brennan to be the head of the CIA, and he held the Senate floor for nearly 12 hours, delivering a speech criticizing the Obama Administration's Drone policy.  It was with some of the particulars of that speech that Sen. McCain took issue with.

Strong issues.

Democrats on 2016: Don't rest too long, Hillary

Despite the fact that most political observers believe the 2016 Democratic Presidential Nomination is hers for the taking, some Democratic insiders are warning that Secretary Clinton shouldn't rest too long if she really wants it.  There are some up & coming Democrats out there who would love to take a shot at 2016, and if Secretary Clinton waits to long to decide, she may not get a chance to.

Obama tries to engage rank-n-file GOP lawmakers

President Obama invited several Republican Senators out for Dinner last night.  The President picked up the tab himself.  He also invited Rep. Paul Ryan and Rep. Chris Van Hollen out for lunch.  They are the top ranking Republican and Democrat on the House Budget Committee.  These moves are widely seen as the White House shifting strategy on how it deals with Congress.  During most negotiations, the President deals with the House and Senate leadership to get a deal done.  Now, it appears that The White House is reaching out to the rank-n-file lawmakers, on both sides of the aisle.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Passing of Hugo Chavez

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez died after a 2 year battle with cancer.  The poor and working class in his country considered him a hero.  Notable liberals around the world heralded him as a hero to the 'little guy.'  Economists and business executives scorned him, calling him a Socialist dictator who trampled over capitalism.  And then there are the alleged human rights violations.

Say what you will about Hugo Chavez - and plenty has been - but he left a mark on the conscious of our world, both politically and practically.  His death will open a power vacuum in South America, as one of the world's largest producers of oil begins a new chapter and tries to find a new leader.

CNN has a piece on Chavez's death and the aftermath.  Read it by clicking on the link below.

What's next? Chavez's death leaves many questions

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

OMG, GOP!!! Figure it out, already!!!

The Republicans are (still) trying to figure out just what went wrong during the 2012 elections.  Was it Romney's lack of personality?  Was it a cultural clash on social issues?  Was it a demographics shift - similar to the one I wrote about last month (read it here)?  Their's plenty of blame to go around, and as the GOP tries to find itself, the blame-game continues.  

And it's getting ugly.

Budget Battle - Round 1

House Republicans unveiled their 'CR', or Continuing Resolution, to fund the Federal Government for the remainder of the fiscal year.  Their plan tries to lessen the pain of the Sequester on Defense and VA programs while leaving the cuts fully intact on everything else.  Their CR keeps government spending at the same levels as in 2011, when the Budget Control Act was passed.

The Democrats have some 'concerns.'  I'd imagine.  The two sides better come up with a budget solution quickly because if they can't, the Government will shut down.  The Government runs out of money on March 27th.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Justice Antonin Scalia: SCOTUS Troll?

On February 28th, the Supreme Court heard arguments in the case Shelby County vs. Holder, which concerns the Voting Rights Act of 1965.  The law has been re-authorized without an issue ever since.  The last re-authorization occurred in 2006, and it enjoyed nearly unanimous Congressional support.  Generally, Supreme Court hearings are uneventful, but this one was different.

Democrats ‘Over-dramatized’ Sequester Consequences

‘Okay, it won’t be THAT bad.’  That was the message from President Obama and the Democratic Leadership after the deadline for the Sequester had passed and the cuts went into effect.  This is after a week of posturing, with doomsday claims of National Security risks, teacher layoffs, longer lines at airports, and all sorts of other nasty and unpalatable things.  Then the Sequester came, and went, and now it’s just gonna be a little inconvenient.


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Boehner vs McConnell: Mixed GOP Message on Sequester

House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell appeared on the Sunday morning shows to offer their respective views on the automatic budget cuts, known as the Sequester.  Generally, the Republicans present a united front from specific talking points to express their views, but it appeared that Boehner and McConnell were speaking from different scripts.

Friday, March 1, 2013

The 'Supposed' Day of Reckoning is Here

Today is the day the $85 Billion in automatic spending cuts, known as the Sequester, are to take effect.  The President, during a press conference this morning, essentially stated that there was no deal on the immediate horizon to avoid the cuts. He also blamed Republicans and their refusal to close tax loopholes for corporations and the wealthy as the main reason a deal was not reached.